Product Manual CANcockpitTU00-0726-5111102 Technische Änderungen vorbehalten 0609 Technical details subject to change 5.2 - 22The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others without expressauthorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All right reserved in the event of the grant of a patent,utility model or design .CANopen-Specification for CANcockpitWrite EEPROM Data Record to EEPROMWriting a data record to EEPROM involves the following steps:1. Check object 2006h and if the EEPROM is not busy, write one Record as specified above into this object of CANcockpit.2. If this transfer was successful, activate the EEPROM write procedure using the control word described under object "Read/Write access EEPROM (2006h)". Note that the address given in object 2005h must be equal to the address in object 2006h,otherwise the write operation will be rejected.3. Read object 2006h to check for general errors until the EEPROM is not busy anymore.4. When all data has been written, verify the EEPROM data using record read operation.Read/ Write access EEPROM (2006h)This object controls the access to the CANcockpit parameter memory (EEPROM).OBJECT DESCRIPTIONIndex 2006hName Read and Write access EEPROMObject Code VARData Type UNSIGNED32Category OptionalENTRY DESCRIPTIONAccess RwPDO Mapping NoValue Range As defined below.Default Value N/AThe UNSIGNED32 variable is defined as follows:MSB LSBByte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0See below for coding Check Byte High byte of address Low byte of addressByte3 contains the command and status bits for the EEPROM read and write operation.MSB = Byte3Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Rdy Err Bsy 0 0 0 Rd WrRdy:This bit should always be set to 0, if the object is written to. CANcockpit will set it to 1, when the read has been finishedsuccessfully. In case of a read operation, the requested data will then be available in the EEPROM Data Record object.Err:This bit should always be set to 0, if the object is written to. CANcockpit will set this bit in case the requested operationproduced an error. If Err will be 1, then Rdy will not become 1.Bsy:This bit must be checked and must be 0, before an EEPROM Data Record may be written to object 2005h and before anEEPROM read or write command may be written to object 2006h. If this bit is 1, it indicates, that the EEPROM is busy andcannot be accessed now. When an EEPROM write operation has been started, CANcockpit will set this bit to 1 andautomatically clear it after the EEPROM write has finished.Rd = 1 -> Read EEPROM contents command starting at the address (Byte1 and Byte0) into EEPROM Data Record. TheCheck Byte (Byte2) must be set to 0xAA, otherwise an error will be returned. If Rd=1, Wr must be 0.Wr = 1 -> Write data in EEPROM Data Record (object 2005h) into EEPROM. The Check Byte (Byte2) must be set to 0x55,otherwise an error will be returned and no write operation will be performed. If Wr=1, Rd must be 0.