Technische Änderungen vorbehalten Technical details subject to change 2 - 13TU00-0726-0000002 0609The display is structured into three main areas:1. Symbol AreaThis 30 x 32 pixel area is reserved for graphic symbols. The symbols are left aligned to optically enlarge the appearance ofthe symbol.2. Central AreaThe centre of the display is organised as one or two lines with 6 digits each. Here it is possible to show alphanumeric ASCIIcharacters using the large font (12 x 16 pixel). If only one line is displayed, then this line will be centred in vertical direction.Short text (up to 6 letters) can be used to provide identification for the value displayed. This area is best suited to communi-cate important numeric values to the user. Values will be shown in the second line on the right, where units appear on the left.One or two centre lines are configured via WINgauge as well as the description of the short text.3. Physical Unit AreaThe physical unit area is located right of the alphanumeric Centre Lines. In general the unit belonging to the value displayedon the centre lines is shown here as text. This area is organised as four lines of 5 characters of the small font. If the Unit canbe displayed with less than three ASCII characters, then the large font is applied, else the small font is used. Units will not bewrapped into the next line.If there are two Centre Lines, then there will also be two-unit Lines (small Line 2 and Line 4). In case only one Centre Line isdisplayed, then only one corresponding Unit Line will be visible (small Line 3).It is therefore possible to show the following parameters and units to give a clear indication of the valid physical unit whichcan be chosen via WINgauge:2. Functional SpecificationProduct Manual24 * 2412 * 16 6 * 830 dots 72 dots 30 dots32 dotsDot Matrix LayoutOne centre Line oroptional two Alphanumeric Lineswith 6digits (12*16dots) each Four AlphanumericLines with 5 digits eachGraphicSymbol AreaParameter UnitsRevolution / rotation 1/min, rpmSpeed km/h, mph, knotsDistances km, m (Meter), mm, miles, mi, M, m (landmile = 1.609 km), nm (nautical mile = 1.852 km)Power supply Volt, V, A, mATime h, hours, min, secTemperatures °C, °FPressures bar, psi, kPa, Mpa,Level of liquids %, l, gal (US-gallons)Fuel consumption l/h, gal/h, km/l, l/100, kg/h, km/kgWeight kgPower N, kN, NmDiverse Ohm, Grad, deg, appl, Count, qm/h, Gear, Code, SPN, FMI