parameter descriptions vacon • 8124-hour support +358 (0) 201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com99.7 Digital outputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P8)8.1 RO1 SIGNAL SELECTION8.2 RO2 SIGNAL SELCETION8.3 DO1 SIGNAL SELCETIONTable 9.2: Output signals via RO1, RO2 and DO1Setting Signal content0 = Not used Output is not in operation.1 = Ready The frequency converter is ready to operate.2 = Run The frequency converter operates (motor is running).3 = Fault A fault trip has occurred.4 = Fault inverted A fault trip has not occurred.5 = Warning A warning is active.6 = Reversed The reverse command has been selected, output fre-quency to the motor is negative.7 = At speed The output frequency has reached the set reference.8 = Motor regulator active Each of motoring current regulator,generating currentreg. ,over voltage reg. ,under voltage reg. is active.9 = FB Control Word.B13 Output can be controlled with B13 in the fieldbus controlword.10 = FB Control Word.B14 Output can be controlled with B14 in the fieldbus controlword.11 = FB Control Word.B15 Output can be controlled with B15 in the fieldbus controlword.