parameter descriptions vacon • 8724-hour support +358 (0) 201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com99.10 Automatic reset (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P14)14.1 A UTOMATIC RESETActivate the Automatic reset after fault with this parameter.NOTE: Automatic reset is allowed for certain faults only.Fault: 1. Under voltage2. Over voltage3. Over current4. Motor temperature5. Under load14.3 TRIAL TIMEThe Automatic restart function restarts the frequency converter when thefaults have disappeared and the waiting time has elapsed.The time count starts from the first autoreset. If the number of faults occur-ring during the trial time exceeds three, the fault state becomes active. Oth-erwise the fault is cleared after the trial time has elapsed and the next faultstarts the trial time count again. See Figure 9.16.If a single fault remains during the trial time, a fault state is true.Fault triggerMotor stop signalMotor start signalSupervis ionRestart 1 Restart 2Trial timepar.14.3Fault activeRESET /Fault resetAutoreset function: (Trials = 2)Wait timepa r.1 4.2Wait t imepa r.1 4.2Wait t imepa r.1 4.2Figure 9.16: Example of Automatic restarts with two restarts