134 ï AppendixMailbox Command ReferencesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules6.3.5.13 Set Local Encryption Mode (SetLocalEncryptionMode, 0x4E)With this command, the encryption of the BluetoothÆ data transmission is ac-tivated or deactivated. This setting can be done independently of the devicerole, but only affects the master. If encryption is activated, devices that do notuse encryption cannot connect.NoteEncryption can be activated without activating an authentication. The actual en-cryption of the data takes place after an authentication.The security of the encryption is linked to the quality of the password.Connections between devices can only be established if the settings for encryp-tion, authentication and password are synchronized. This can be achieved by hav-ing identical settings for the devices to be connected.ConditionsMailbox size Operating mode/profile Device role6 12 18 Config. Real-time Ad hoc Master SlaveSaveconfig. Restart● ● ● ● - - ● ● ● -RequestByte 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 200 MBX_SETLOCALENCRYPTIONMODE1 T -2 MBX_ENCRYPTION_MODEArgumentsParameter Value DescriptionMBX_ENCRYPT_ENABLE (0x01) Activate encryptionMBX_ENCRYPTION_MODEMBX_ENCRYPT_DISABLE (0x00) Deactivate encryptionResponseByte 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 200 MBX_SETLOCALENCRYPTIONMODE1 T MBX_RESULTReturn valuesParameter Value DescriptionMBX_RESULT MBX_CMD_INVALID_ARG An unknown argument has been passed