Appendix ï 181Mailbox Command ReferencesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules6.3.6.5 Read Signal Strength for a Connection (GetLinkSignalStrength, 0xD7)The RSSI value indicates possible overmodulation of the BluetoothÆ recipient.It returns "0" if the strength of the received signal lies within the tolerancerange. If the received signal is stronger than the upper limit of the tolerancerange, a value > "0" is returned; if the received signal is weaker than the lowerlimit, a value < "0" is returned.RSSIIncoming signal strength (dBm)Figure 43: Connection between RSSI value and LED color (see bars below the table) g064469xConditionsMailbox size Operating mode/profile Device role6 12 18 Config. Real-time Ad hoc Master SlaveSaveconfig. Restart● ● ● - ● ● ● ● - -RequestByte 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 200 MBX_GETLINKSIGNALSTRENGTH1 T -2 MBX_TARGET_TABLE_AND_INDEX