82 ï Fieldbus-specific AdditionsCANopenWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules5 Fieldbus-specific Additions5.1 CANopen5.1.1 Process Image AccessThe CANopen master accesses the BluetoothÆ mailbox and process data in thecoupler/controller using process data objects (PDOs).In the standard configuration, the BluetoothÆ module data is mapped in serialPDOs. Each PDO can take up eight bytes of data. The maximum BluetoothÆmodule process image of 48 bytes therefore includes six PDOs.… …0 1 2...7* 8...47*40 470 7716 238 1524 3132 39process imageBluetooth modulePDO for cyclical dataPDO for cyclical dataPDO for cyclical dataPDO for cyclical dataPDO for cyclical dataPDO for status-/control-byte and mailbox orcyclical dataProcess dataMailboxdatazyclicalazyclicalcontrol-/statusbyteinternal byte* Example with 48 bytes process data, mailbox data 6 bytes (max. for CANopen)Figure 36: PDO allocation of a Bluetooth Æ module g064468eThe first PDO allocated to a BluetoothÆ module contains the control/statusbyte, an empty byte and up to six bytes of mailbox or process data. The fol-lowing PDOs contain BluetoothÆ process data.NoteIf using a CANopen coupler/controller, the maximum mailbox size is lim-ited to six bytes.