Tools for Configuring and Operating ï 77Configuring and Operating with WAGO-I/O-CHECKWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O ModulesObject Groups Status *OkTime monitoringWatchdogOkProcess image is defectiveProcess imageA remote mailbox is activeOkInterruption in SPI communicationSPI is overloadedIntersystem communica-tionError in the mailbox communicationOkConfiguration alteredConfigurationError in the network configuration* The meaning of the individual status reports can be found in Appendix can query the status with the set parameter by using the [Execute] button. Status DisplayStatus reports are given in the status display in the lower area of the parame-terization dialog. The display varies depending on the page accessed:Settings, Net forming, PI Mapping, Block Transfer and Diagnostics.Figure 35: Status display g064460e