Glossary ï 211WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O ModulesGlossaryAAcyclicAcyclic processes are triggered as needed and are used, for example, to reactto user input or special events.Ad hoc profileThe ad hoc profile is one of two profiles in the communication mode sup-ported by the BluetoothÆ module. Special feature: In the ad hoc profile, themodule can also communicate with BluetoothÆ devices from other manufac-turers.AFHThe adaptive frequency process "Adaptive Frequency Hopping" (AFH) is arefinement of the FHSS and is used to temporarily "jump over" defective orbusy portions of the entire available frequency band and switch to otherchannels.See also "FHSS"ApplicationAn application is a specific use or function programmed by the user.ASCIIASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a charactercoding that includes 128 characters. Each character is described by 7 bits(27 =128). In addition to the Latin alphabet (upper and lower case letters),Arabic numerals and some punctuation and control characters can be repre-sented.AuthenticationAuthentication is a process for testing the identity transmitted by a commu-nication partner.Authorized deviceDevices with which connections may be established. No connection may beestablished with devices that do not fall into this category.