Appendix ï 183Mailbox Command ReferencesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules6.3.6.6 Read Available Hopping Channels (GetAvailableChannelMap, 0xD8)Call up returns information on the status of the environment (i.e., the status ofthe wireless medium) for a connection channel. For BluetoothÆ, the channelsavailable for hopping are indicated. There are 79 channels with 1 MHz avail-able. The channels are numbered serially from 0 through 78. The frequency ofeach channel is based on the channel number:Frequency of the channel = 2402 + channel number MHzThe WAGO BluetoothÆ module supports AFH (adaptive frequency hopping).If individual frequency ranges are recognized as defective (for example, ifother wireless technologies with higher signal strength in this range are send-ing), the corresponding channels of its own transmission are excluded. Thisreduces interference and improves the connection quality for the BluetoothÆnetwork, as well as for the third-party system. A positive side effect is the pos-sibility of making connections through third-party activity in the 2.4 GHz ISMband using the list of the channels masked in this manner. The rule of thumbis: The greater the number of channels available for hopping, the better thestatus of the wireless medium.ConditionsMailbox size Operating mode/profile Device role6 12 18 Config. Real-time Ad hoc Master SlaveSaveconfig. Restart- ● ● - ● ● ● ● - -RequestByte 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 200 MBX_GETAVAILABLECHANNELMAP1 T -2 MBX_TARGET_TABLE_AND_INDEXArgumentsParameter Value DescriptionBit 0Ö3 Table IndexIndex 0...6 for WAGO devices of slots 1...7Index 0...5 for external devices of slots 8...12MBX_TARGET_TABLE_AND_INDEXBit 4Ö7 Target table"2" for WAGO_DEVICE (slots 1...7)"1" for EXTERNAL_DEVICE (slots 8...12)