3434IndexContentsIndexContents• Keystroke.... Enables you to simulate keystrokes. Selecting this option displays the D EFINE KEYSTROKEdialog box where you can enter a keystroke or keystroke sequence to play back.You can manually enter a keystroke or keystrokecombination in the KEYS entry box. Keystrokecombinations can include letters, numbers,function keys (such as F3) and modifier keys(such as SHIFT, ALT, or CTRL for Windows, orSHIFT, OPTION, COMMAND , and CONTROL forMacintosh).You can also select special keystrokes orkeystroke combinations from the ADD SPECIALdrop-down menu. When you make a selection itis added to the KEYS entry box.After defining a keystroke or keystrokesequence, click OK.Important: Because the ENTER(Windows) and RETURN (Macintosh)keys can be selected as a definedkeystroke, they cannot be used to selectOK. You must use your Intuos3 tool toclick on the OK button.If prompted, enter a name for the keystrokedefinition. The name will be displayed with therespective control or in the Pop-up Menu list, asapplicable.You can create different keystroke functions fordifferent applications. See working withapplication-specific settings for moreinformation.Clears thekeystrokeentry box.Deletes only the last entryin the keystroke entry box.