XEROX WIDE FORMAT COPY SYSTEM Main Menu • 129The second and third lines contain the log entry information in columnarformat. The first column indicates the log entry number. The secondcolumn indicates the fault code recorded in the log. The third column isthe value of the internal Scanner Usage Meter at the time the fault wasdetected.Below is an example of the SCANNER FAULTS (COUNTS) screen.SCANNER FAULTS (COUNTS)LAST CLEARED: 200101 01-02 247602 01-03 2402Scanner Faults (Counts) Screen8. Use the Previous or Next key to scroll through the listing.The entries are presented three to a screen. You can view all validentries in the Scanner Fault Log from this screen. Empty log entries arenot displayed.9. When finished viewing the fault data, press the Exit key to returnto the SCANNER DIAGNOSTICS menu screen.The CLEAR SCANNER FAULT LOG option is for use by the CustomerService Engineer only and requires the entry of the diagnostic password.It allows the Customer Service Engineer to erase the contents of theScanner Fault Log.The CLEAN CAL ZONE (Clean Calibration Zone) provides the user witha quick way to move the Calibration Motor to the cleaning position. Thereare two selections CLEANING POSITION AND HOME POSITION.CLEAN CAL ZONEPOSITION: CLEANING POSITIONClean Cal Zone ScreenThe COMPONENT TESTS option of the SCANNER DIAGNOSTICSmenu provides a sub-menu of the following menu choices:• MOTOR SPEED - Enables the Customer Service Engineer toadjust the Scan System motor speed and correct magnificationerrors in the process direction. The diagnostic password isrequired for this function.• LEAD EDGE/TRAIL EDGE - Enables you to execute the leadedge/trail edge diagnostic.CLEAR SCANNERFAULT LOGCLEAN CAL ZONECOMPONENT TESTS