84 • Special features keys XEROX WIDE FORMAT COPY SYSTEMSample keyThe Sample key allows you to access the Sample Mode screen, fromwhere you can send a scanned image to an FTP destination.The Sample key also allows you to print a sample of a scanned image inboth the COPY mode and the SCAN mode. You can then check thesample for quality or observe the results of features or copy qualityadjustments before the document is copied or scan to a file.The dimensions of the sample, in the Copy mode, are the width of thepage by 210 mm. The sample is taken from a point equidistant from thelead and trail edge of the image. Refer to Copy Mode below forinstruction to print a sample.In the SCAN mode the sample size is the whole document. To enablethe Sample key in the SCAN Mode, the Scan-to-net feature must beinstalled. To enable a print sample the Scan-to-Print feature key must beinstalled. Refer to the Scan Mode Sample below for instructions to print asample.To print a sample of a scanned image:1. Press the Sample key. The Sample indicator lamp illuminates.The Scan System Control Panel is placed in Printer Interruptmode and the Printer Interrupt indicator lamp illuminates. ThePrinter immediately prints a sample of the next image insertedinto the Scan System. The SAMPLE MODE screen is displayed.SAMPLE MODEPRESS START TO ACCEPT PAGE.PRESS C/CA TO REJECT.Sample Mode Screen 12. Do one of the following:• Press the Start key to print the complete image as a full-sizecopy.• Press the C/CA key to delete the scanned image.3. Press the Sample key again to disable the Sample feature. ThePrinter is returned to the default priority setting and the Sampleand Printer Interrupt indicator lamps are extinguished.The best sample prints will be produced if the image enhancementfeatures have been enabled. Refer to the Image Quality section of thisdocument for more information.In order to have the selections indicated below in the SAMPLE MODEscreen, the Scan-to-Net feature key must be installed to get SCANIMAGE TO FILE, and the Scan-to-Print feature key must be installed toget SCAN IMAGE TO PRINTER. It is convenient on the WIDE FORMATCOPY SYSTEMS to be able to make a sample before scanning animage to file.Copy Mode Sample:Scan Mode Sample: