25511.2 Setting up Logical Printers11.2 Setting up Logical PrintersThe following operations related to logical printers are set up from the printer controlpanel.• Setting up Logical Printers• Setting up the Default Logical Printer• Printing out a List of SettingsParameters for Logical PrinterThe following parameters can be set for logical printers. However, the items that can beset will differ based on the data format selected.Refer to the corresponding sections of "10.5 Logical Printer Settings" for details oneach of the settings (page 210).Parameter Description DataFormat Relevant SectionMEDIA SERIES Sets the input, output and print groups. All Media SeriesDEF.SINGLE PEN Sets the pen attributes for the HPGL data. HPGL Define Single PenDEF.MULTI PEN Sets the pen attributes for the HPGL data for multiplepens.HPGL Define Multi PenPEN STYLE Sets end processing and color of the VCGL data pen. Versatec Versatec Pen StylePEN WIDTH Sets the pen attributes for the VCGL data. Versatec Versatec WidthDEF.SINGLE PEN Sets the pen attributes for the VRF data. Versatec Versatec Define PenDEF.MULTI PEN Sets the pen attributes for the VRF data for multiplepens.Versatec Versatec Def. MultiPenEMULATION Selects the processing language for the HPGL data. HPGL EmulationPEN OPTION Sets whether or not to change the pen width whenenlarging or reducing.Versatec Pen OptionTIFF OPTION Sets the sorting and output sequence, and theresolution for the print data.TIFF TIFF OptionCALS OPTION Sets whether or not to disable the [ROTATE]command.CALS CALS OptionTRANSFORM Sets automatic enlargement/reduction, mirrorprocessing and 90-degree rotation.All TransformPLOT AREA Sets the print range, centering and offset. All(Note)Plot AreaMESSAGE OPTION Sets whether or not to print messages and the date. All Message Option