364 Chapter 19 Clearing Paper Jams19.1 Paper Jam DisplayThe location where a paper jam has occurred will be displayed on the control panel'ssetup screen. Clear paper jams using the message on the screen."19.2 Document Jams" "19.5 Paper Jams in the Printer and Ejection Port""19.3 Jams in the Feeder (Roll Paper)" When additional dual roll type media tray has beeninstalled. "19.3 Jams in the Feeder (Roll Paper)"When the (MSI) Multi Sheet Inserter/Manual FeedUnit has been installed"19.4 Jams in the (MSI) Multi Sheet Inserter/Manual Feed Unit"1. Open Scanner cover.2. Remove the document.XXX- XXX1. Raise the upper area ofthe printer.2. Remove the jammed media.3. Pull the stopperbar in the printerto unlock and close theupper area of the printer.XXX - XXX1. Pull out RFC drawer 1.2. See the designatedlabel for instructions.3. Close RFC drawer 1.XXX- XXX1. Pull out RFC drawer 2.2. See the designatedlabel for instructions.3. Close RFC drawer 2.XXX- XXX1. Open Manual FeedTray cover.2. Remove the jammedmedia.3. Close Manual FeedTray cover.XXX- XXX