383.4 Sample Copies3.4 Sample CopiesTo ensure that copies are printed in their optimum condition, it is possible to changethe settings for a part of the document and print out a sample copy.The area to be copied can be set as well. It is possible to change the enlarge/reducesettings, the image density, the image type and all other settings for this area of thedocument by selecting [Part Output] when the [Output Range Setting] button hasbeen selected.It is also possible to view only the nine different levels of density of the selected areaof the image by selecting [Part Output (Density)] when the [Output Range Setting]button has been selected.Position from whichscanning is startedScanning dimensionmeasurementDocument[Part Output (Density)]The nine different densitylevels for comparison[Part Output]Various copy settings changed for comparisonLight 4Light 3Light 2Light 1Dark 3Dark 2Dark 4Direction in whichthe document is inserted