384 AppendixesAppendix 2 HP-GL/HP-GL2 Command ListThis section explains the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 command support status that are uniqueto 6030/6050 Wide Format.Command ListThe following table shows the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 command support status.y Command fully supported.y* Activates different actims from other ordinary commands. (Meaning in [ ])n Command not supported and ignored.Com-mand Command Meaning and action HP-GL HP-GL/2 6030/6050Wide FormatAA Plots a circle around a point specified by absolutecoordinates.y y yAC Specifies the starting point of a fill pattern. y yAD Specifies a substitute font for labels.[Only vector fonts supported]y yAF Feeds paper by one page. [Interpreted as outputtrigger]y y*AH Feeds paper by a half page. [Interpreted as outputtrigger]y y*AP Deselects pen cap timeout setting y nAR Plots a circle around a point specified by relativecoordinates.y y yAS Specifies the pen acceleration. y nAT Plots an arc linking three points specified by absolutecoordinates. (start point - intermediate point - endpoint)y yBL Enters a specified character string into a buffer. y y