Page 6-12 Xerox CopyCentre C20, WorkCentre M20 and WorkCentre M20i User GuideFaxPriority Fax" Use this optionto send your faxahead ofreservedoperations.! Press [Menu/Exit].! Using the Navigation Keys select [Fax Features]and press [Enter].! Select [Priority Fax] and press [Enter].! Enter the fax number using the Numeric Keypador Speed Dial, and press [Enter]. Enter anothernumber if required. When all numbers have beenentered select [No] and press [Enter].! Enter a name for the job and press [Enter].The originals are scanned into memory ready forsending.Polling" Polling is usedto retrievedocuments fromremote faxmachines.Remote faxmachines canalso poll yourmachine.TX Poll Use to store a documenton the machine ready tobe polled by a remote faxmachine.! Press [Menu/Exit].! Using the Navigation Keys select [Fax Features]and press [Enter].! Select [Polling] and press [Enter].! Select [TX Poll] and press [Enter].! Enter a 4 digit Poll Code and press [Enter].! To store the originals in the Bulletin Board select[On]. If the Bulletin Board is not required, select[Off].! Press [Start]. The originals are scanned intomemory ready to be polled.