Xerox CopyCentre C20, WorkCentre M20 and WorkCentre M20i User Guide Page 5-3E-mailDocument Glass:" When using theDocument Glass,ensure there areno documents inthe DocumentFeeder.Leaving theDocumentFeeder openwhile scanningwill affect theimage quality.Select the E-Mail Key and Features" Only thosefeatures relevantto the machineconfiguration willbe available.! Raise the Document Feeder andposition the original face down onthe Document Glass.Align with the registration arrow inthe rear left corner.! Lower the Document Feeder.2! Press the [E-mail] key on theControl Panel.! Press the E-mail feature keyrequired on the Control Panel.! Basic features available for E-mail jobs are 2 Sided, OriginalType, Color Original andResolution.#For information about all theavailable E-mail features, referto “Basic E-mail Features” onpage 5-7, and “Special E-mailFeatures” on page 5-9.! Using the Navigation Keys, selectthe setting required for thefeature and press [Enter].E-mail keyOriginal Type2 SidedColorOriginalResolution