n The power section supply is to be externally protected with a fuse, which correspondsto the maximum current. This means max. 10A is to be protected with a 10A fuse(fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 10A characteristics Z!n It is recommended to externally protect the electronic power supply for bus couplerand I/O area with a 2A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 2A characteris-tics Z.n The electronic power supply for the I/O area of the power module 007-1AB10 shouldalso be externally protected with a 1A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker1A characteristics Z.After PowerON of the System SLIO the LEDs RUN respectively MF get on so far as thesum current does not exceed 3A. With a sum current greater than 3A the LEDs may notbe activated. Here the power module with the order number 007-1AB10 is to be placedbetween the peripheral modules.1 Shield bus carrier2 Shield bus (10mm x 3mm)3 Shield clamp4 Cable shieldTo attach the shield the mounting of shield bus carriers are necessary. The shield buscarrier (available as accessory) serves to carry the shield bus to connect cable shields.1. Each System SLIO module has a carrier hole for the shield bus carrier. Push theshield bus carrier, until they engage into the module. With a flat mounting rail foradaptation to a flat mounting rail you may remove the spacer of the shield bus car-rier.2. Put your shield bus into the shield bus carrier.3. Attach the cables with the accordingly stripped cable screen and fix it by the shieldclamp with the shield bus.FusingState of the electronicpower supply via LEDsShield attachmentVIPA System SLIO Basics and mountingWiring > Wiring bus couplerHB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49 19