Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description0x4000:00* Clear Slio counter U8 ro 2 Writing of a value you want to the correspondingsubindex clears the counter.0x4000:01 Clear master counter U8 rw 00x4000:02 Clear module counter U8 rw 0Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description0x4001:00* Master counter U8 ro 110x4001:01 Expected length error U16 ro0x4001:02 TimeOut error U16 ro0x4001:03 StopBit error U16 ro0x4001:04 FCS error U16 ro0x4001:05 Telegram length error U16 ro0x4001:06 Telegram type error U16 ro0x4001:07 Alarm retry error U16 ro0x4001:08 Bus idle time error U16 ro0x4001:09 Wrong node address U16 ro0x4001:0A Telegram valid U16 ro0x4001:0B Master load U16 ro0x4001:0C 1 telegram retrycounterU16 ro0x4001:0D 2 telegram retrycounterU16 ro0x4001:0E 3 telegram retrycounterU16 roÄ ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description0x4002:00* Module MDL counter U8 ro 640x4002:01 Slot 1 U16 ro 00x4002:02 Slot 2 U16 ro 00x4002: ... ... U16 ro 00x4002:40 Slot 64 U16 ro 0Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52Clear SLIO counterMaster counterModule MDL counterVIPA System SLIO DeploymentObject DictionaryHB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49 57