Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description0x3000:00* Coupler parameter U8 ro 10x3000:01 Auto acknowledge U8 rw 1 Defines the mode, how interrupts are handled by theEtherCAT coupler.Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52Here the EtherCAT coupler may be parametrized. With this object the write access is onlypossible when the EtherCAT coupler is in PreOp or SafeOp state. In Op state writeaccess is denied.n With Auto-Acknowledge = 0 of the EtherCAT coupler per module the correspondingcounter is increased by 1. Once you acknowledge the interrupt, the counter isdecreased by 1. If there are more modules with a pending interrupt, by the write SDOaccess always the most recent interrupt is acknowledged (last in - first out).n With Auto-Acknowledge = 1 each interrupt is automatically acknowledged by theEtherCAT coupler. In this mode the diagnostics data were always overwritten by newinterrupts. Default setting is Auto-Acknowledge = 1. For continuous use Auto-Acknowledge should be activated.Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description0x3100...0x313F:00* Parameter U8 ro Number of parame-ters0x3100...0x313F:01 Param1 rw0x3100...0x313F:02 Param2 rw0x3100...0x313F: ... ...Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52With this object the parameters of a System SLIO module may be accessed. Here theaddressing by index takes place. Via subindexes the corresponding parameters may beaccessed. The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the description of the corre-sponding module. Also here it is valid that power and clamp modules are not recognizedby the EtherCAT coupler and so are not listed and considered during slot allocation.If the module has parameters it is validn Index 0x3100: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 0n Index 0x3101: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 1n ...n Index 0x313F: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 64In the following example via index 0x3102 the parameters of the module at the physicallyslot 4 may be accessed.physicalSlot number1 2 3 4Module DI CM DO AIIndex 0x3100** - 0x3101** 0x3102EtherCAT-Slot 0 - 1 2**) This entry is not listed, because the module has no parameters.Parameter SLIO EtherCATcouplerParameter SLIO ModuleVIPA System SLIODeploymentObject DictionaryHB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-4956