Page 103FT D X 1200 O PERA T ING M ANUALrttY (raDio teletYpe) operationThe FTDX 1200 has the capability of a RTTY decode function when the optional FFT unit is installed. You can easilysynchronize by aligning the marker displayed on the AF-FFT screen, together with the decode screen while receiving asignal. Mark frequency (2125 Hz), SHIFT width (170 Hz), and baudot code (US) can be changed in Menu Mode.rtty decode (with optionAl FFt unit)1. Before operating, set the Menu items in the chart tothe right.2. Press the [MODE] switch, set the operating mode to“RTTY LSB”.A dvice : Press and hold the [MODE] switch for approxi-mately one second to switch back and forth between“RTTY USB” and “RTTY LSB”. Generally, amateur band stations operate RTTY inLSB.3. Tune to a RTTY signal, press and hold the [SCOPE]switch for one second or longer.The RTTY DECODE screen displays, and the de-coded text is displayed on the screen.A dvice : Align the peak of the received signal with the markfrequency and shift frequency marker of the AF-FFTscreen. If text is displayed due to noise and band clutter,when a RTTY signal is not being received, turn the[VFO-B/CLAR] knob to adjust and threshold level.M enu iteM A vAilAble vAlueS094 POLARITY-R NOR (normal) / REV (reverse)095 POLARITY-T NOR (normal) / REV (reverse)097 RTTY SHIFT 170 / 200 / 425 / 850 (Hz)098 RTTY MARK FREQ 1275/2125 (Hz)Threshold Level AdjustmentScrambled text may be displayed due to noise and band clutter, when a signal is not being received. You can ad-just the threshold level so the scrambled text is not displayed.Turn the [VFO-B/CLAR] knob, and adjust thethreshold level (between 0 and 100) so scrambledtext is not displayed. Note that text will no longer be displayed forweak signals if you increase the level too much. You switch between threshold level display andnormal display each time you press the [SE-LECT] button. The threshold level is displayed in the TFT dis-play.note: Cross talk, noise, phasing, and the like may preventcorrect display. If continuously sending for more than a few minutesor if sending time is longer than receiving time, re-duce transmit power output to between 1/2 and 1/3using Menu item “177 TX MAX POWER”.To cancel the RTTY decode function, press and hold the[SCOPE] switch again for one second or longer.Displays the decoded RTTYsignal.Displays content written tothe RTTY text memory ※※ If you transmit content written to the RTTY text memory(page 104), the transmitted RTTY signal is displayed astext.Note that transmitted text is displayed in white.AF-FFTCQ CQ CQ DE W X D CCQ CQ CQ D JAE RTTY DECODEAF-FFT display (see page 40)(“Spectrum” or “Waterfall” display)Threshold level