Page 105FTDX9000D OPERATION MANUALCW D ELAY TIME S ETTINGDuring semi-break-in (not QSK) operation, the hang timeof the transmitter, after you have finished sending, may beadjusted to a comfortable value consistent with your send-ing speed. This is the functional equivalent to the "VOXDelay" adjustment used on voice modes; however, this isan independent adjustment used on CW, so you don't haveto change the delay when changing from Voice to CW.The delay may be varied anywhere between 0 seconds( CW DELAY set fully counter-clockwise) to 5 seconds(fully clockwise).1. Press the BK-IN/SPOT key (# ) momentarily toenable CW transmission (Menu item MODE-CW 047CW BK-IN must be set to “SEMI”).2. Start sending, and adjust the CW DELAY knob(# ) so that the hang time is as you prefer for com-fortable operation.Quick PointThe CW Delay feature is the functional equivalent to the“VOX Delay” adjustment used on voice modes; however,this is an independent adjustment used on CW, so you don'thave to change the delay when changing from Voice toCW.CW P ITCH ADJUSTMENTRotation of the front panel’s CW PITCH control (# )will allow adjustment of the center frequency of the re-ceiver passband, as well as the pitch of your offset CWcarrier, to the tone you prefer. The tone may be variedbetween 300 Hz and 1050 Hz, in 50 Hz steps.CW C ONVENIENCE F EATURESTerminologyCW PitchIf you tuned to an exact “zero beat” on an incoming CW signal, you could not copy it (“Zero beat” implies a 0 Hz tone).Therefore, the receiver is offset several hundreds of Hz (typically), so as to allow your ear to detect the tone. The BFOoffset associated with this tuning (that produces the comfortable audio tone) is called the CW Pitch.PITCH knobKEYER Switch / CW DELAY knob