Page 48 FTDX9000D OPERATION MANUALCONVENIENT F EATURESDUAL R ECEIVEThe FT DX 9000D is capable of simultaneous reception, using the Main (VFO-A) and Sub (VFO-B) receivers, in what iscalled the Dual Receive mode. Especially useful for DX work, here is the operating procedure for Dual Receive operation.Advice When operating in Dual Receive, the manner in whichthe audio is fed to the left and right sides of your head-phones (Stereo, Monaural, or Mixed) may be config-ured using Menu item “RX AUDIO 076 HEAD-PHONE MIX” (see page 139). When changing modes from SSB to CW, you will ob-serve a frequency shift on the display. this shift repre-sents the BFO offset between the “zero beat” frequencyand the audible CW pitch (tone) you can hear (thepitch is programmed by the PITCH control), eventhough the actual tone that you hear is not changing.If you do not want this frequency shift to appear whenchanging modes from (for example) USB to CW, usethe Menu item “MODE-CW 050 CW FREQ DIS-PLAY,” described on page 136. When operating on the FM mode on the Sub (VFO-B) band, rotate the Sub (VFO-B) SQL (Squelch)control (# , see page 31) clockwise just to the pointwhere the background noise is just silenced. This isthe point of maximum sensitivity to weak signals. Ex-cessive advancement of the SQL control will de-grade the ability of the receiver to detect weak sig-nals. Adjustment of the Main (VFO-A) band Squelchis accomplished using the Main SQL control # ).1. While receiving on the Main (VFO-A) band, engagethe Sub (VFO-B) receiver by pressing the SUB RXkey (# ). You will now be receiving on the two fre-quencies shown on the main frequency display.2. Adjusting the volume:To adjust the Main (VFO-A) audio level, rotate theMain AF GAIN control (# ). To adjust the Sub(VFO-B) audio level, rotate the Sub AF GAIN con-trol (# ). In both cases, clockwise rotation of theknob will increase the volume level.3. Press the B switch (# ) to enable the capability tochange the operating mode for the Sub (VFO-B) band.4. Having pressed the B key in the previous step, youmay also press the BAND keys surrounding the TFTto select the operating band on which you want to setup the Sub (VFO-B) receiver.5. After you have set up the band and mode for the Sub(VFO-B) band, you should now select the proper an-tenna, using the ANTENNA SELECT 1 ~ 4switches, or, for receive-only capability, the RX (An-tenna) switch.6. Rotate the MAIN tuning dial (# ) to adjust theMain (VFO-A) frequency, and rotate the CLAR/VFO-B tuning dial (# ) to adjust the Sub (VFO-B) frequency.7. To cancel Dual Receive operation, and receive juston the Main (VFO-A) receiver, press the RX switch(# ); the Orange LED to the right of the CLAR/VFO-B knob will go out, and monoband operationon the Main (VFO-A) receiver will resume.NotePlease remember that, so long as the B Mode switch(# ) is illuminated, any mode or band changes will stillbe applied to the Sub (VFO-B) band, whether or not DualReceive is engaged.Quick NoteBy convention in the Amateur bands, LSB is used on the 7MHz and lower bands (with the exception of 60 meters),while USB is utilized on the 14 MHz and higher bands.MAIN(VFO-A)AF GAIN knobSUB(VFO-B)AF GAIN knobSUB(VFO-B)RX keyBAND keyMODEB keyMODE keyMAIN(VFO-A)MAIN tuning dialMAIN(VFO-B)SQL knobMAIN(VFO-A)SQL knob