Page 20 FTDX9000D OPERATION MANUALFRONT P ANEL C ONTROLSMOX SwitchPressing this button engages the PTT (Push to Talk)circuit, to activate the transmitter. It must be in theundepressed position for reception. This switch repli-cates the action of the Push to Talk (PTT) switch onthe microphone. When engaging the MOX switch,or otherwise causing a transmission to be started, becertain you have either an antenna or 50-Ohm dummyload connected to the selected Antenna jack.VOX SwitchVOX Operation: This button enables automatic voice-actuated transmitter switching in the SSB, AM, andFM modes. While activated, the LED inside this but-ton glows red. The controls affecting VOX operationare the front panel’s VOX and DELAY knobs (seesection ( ) below. By proper adjustment of thesecontrols, hands-free voice-actuated operation is pos-sible.DIM SwitchPress this button to lower the illumination intensity ofthe analog meters, the frequency display, and the TFT.Press it once more to restore full brightness.AdviceMenu Items “DISPLAY 14 DIMMER-METER” and“DISPLAY 15 DIMMER-VFD” vallow you to con-figure the dimming levels for the analog meters andthe frequency display/TFT independently, so you cancustomize the brightness levels.PHONES JackA 1/4-inch, 3-contact jack accepts either monaural orstereo headphones with 2- or 3-contact plugs. When aplug is inserted, the loudspeaker is disabled. With ste-reo headphones such as the optional YH-77STA, youcan monitor both Main (VFO-A) and Sub (VFO-B)receiver channels at the same time during Dual Re-ceive operation.Note: When wearing headphones, we recommend thatyou turn the AF Gain levels down to their lowest set-tings before turning power on, to minimize the impacton your hearing caused by audio “pops” during switch-on.POWER SwitchPress and hold in this switch for two seconds to turnthe transceiver on, after first setting the rear panelPower switch to the “I” position. Press and hold inthis switch for two seconds, similarly, to turn the trans-ceiver off. If the rear panel's Power switch is set to the“O” position, the front panel POWER switch will notfunction.AdviceThis is the actual power On/Off switch for turning onthe transceiver. When the rear panel’s Power switch isset to the ( I ) position, power is supplied to the OCXOto stabilize the reference oscillator, and the remainderof the transceiver is set in a “stand-by” mode, await-ing the command for the transceiver to switch on viathe front panel POWER switch. For further informa-tion on the rear panel Power switch, please see thediscussion on page 36.