Installation32the mounting height is too high, cavitationtends to occur, thus reducing the propulsion;and if the propeller tips cut the air, the enginespeed will rise abnormally and cause the en-gine to overheat. If the mounting height is toolow, the water resistance will increase andthereby reduce engine efficiency. Mount theoutboard motor so that the anti-cavitationplate is between the bottom of the boat anda level 25 mm (1 in) below it.F2.5AF4B, F5A, F6CNOTICEECM02171 Check that the idle hole stays highenough to keep out water getting insideengine even if the boat is in stationarywith maximum load. Incorrect engine height or obstructionsto the smooth flow of water (such as thedesign or condition of the boat) can cre-ate airborne water spray while the boatis cruising. If the motor is operated con-tinuously in the presence of airbornewater spray, enough water could enterthe engine through the intake openingon the top cowling to cause severe en-gine damage. Eliminate the cause of theairborne water spray.TIP: The optimum mounting height of the out-board motor is affected by the boat andmotor combination and the desired use.Test runs at different heights can help de-termine the optimum mounting height.Consult your Yamaha dealer or boat man-ufacturer for further information on deter-mining the proper mounting height. For instructions on setting the trim angle ofthe outboard motor, see page 51.EMU39753Clamping the outboard motor1. Place the outboard motor on the tran-som so that it is positioned as close tothe center as possible. Tighten the clampscrews evenly and securely. Occasional-ly check the clamp screws for tightnessduring operation of the outboard motorbecause they could become loose dueto engine vibration. WARNING! Looseclamp screws could allow the out-board motor to fall off or move on thetransom. This could cause loss ofcontrol and serious injury. Make surethe clamp screws are tightened se-curely. Occasionally check the screwsfor tightness during operation. [EWM00643]1. Idle hole2. Anti-cavitation plate1. Idle hole2. Anti-cavitation plate0–25mm(0–1in)21ZMU07370ZMU067960-25 mm(0-1 in) 21