Maintenance629. When transporting or storing the out-board motor while removed from a boat,use an outboard motor stand.10. If transporting or storing the outboardmotor horizontally cannot be avoided,tighten the clamp screws completely,place a towel or something similar underthe outboard motor to protect it fromdamage, and then place the outboardmotor in the attitude shown. If the frontside of the outboard motor is facingdown, turn the clamp bracket 90° so thatit does not contact the ground, and thenturn the steering friction adjuster clock-wise to secure the bracket.EMU43662Storing outboard motorWhen storing your Yamaha outboard motorfor prolonged periods of time (2 months orlonger), several important procedures mustbe performed to prevent excessive damage.It is advisable to have your outboard motorserviced by an authorized Yamaha dealer pri-or to storage. However, the following proce-dures can be performed by the owner.NOTICEECM02552 Do not place the outboard motor on itsside before the cooling water hasdrained from it completely. Otherwise,water may enter the cylinder through theexhaust valve and cause engine trouble. Transport and store the outboard motoras specified in “Transporting/Dismount-ing the outboard motor”.ZMU06761ZMU06806ZMU06762ZMU06807