Maintenance79EMU30663Removing propellerEMU39311Spline models1. Straighten the cotter pin and pull it outusing a pair of pliers.2. Remove the propeller nut and washer.WARNING! Do not use your hand tohold the propeller when loosening thepropeller nut. [EWM01891]3. Remove the propeller and thrust washer.EMU30673Installing propellerEMU39324Spline modelsNOTICEECM00502Make sure to use a new cotter pin andbend the ends over securely. Otherwise,the propeller could come off during oper-ation and be lost.1. Apply Yamaha grease D (corrosion resis-tant grease) into the propeller shaft.2. Install the thrust washer and propelleronto the propeller shaft. NOTICE: Makesure to install the thrust washer beforeinstalling the propeller. Otherwise, thelower case and propeller boss couldbe damaged. [ECM01882]3. Install the washer and tighten the propel-ler nut until there is no looseness in thepropeller.4. Align the propeller nut hole with the pro-peller shaft hole. Insert a new cotter pinin the holes and bend the cotter pin ends.NOTICE: Do not reuse the cotter pin.Otherwise, the propeller can come offduring operation. [ECM01892]1. Propeller shaft1. Cotter pin2. Propeller nut3. Washer4. Propeller5. Thrust washerZMU067771