Maintenance63 Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-ventilated place, not in direct sunlight.EMU28306ProcedureEMU43032Flushing in a test tankNOTICEECM00302Before starting the engine, make sure tosupply water to the cooling water passag-es. Otherwise, the engine could overheatand be damaged.Cooling system flushing is essential to pre-vent the cooling system from clogging upwith salt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fogging/lu-bricating of the engine is mandatory to pre-vent excessive engine damage due to rust.Perform the flushing and fogging at the sametime.F2.5A1. Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01841] For furtherinformation, see page 67.2. Place the fuel cock in the closed posi-tion. Tighten the air vent screw on thefuel tank cap.3. Remove the top cowling and silencercover.4. Remove the propeller. For further infor-mation, see page 79.5. Install the outboard motor on the testtank.6. Fill the tank with fresh water to above thelevel of the anti-cavitation plate.NOTICE: If the fresh water level is be-low the level of the anti-cavitationplate, or if the water supply is insuffi-cient, engine seizure may occur.[ECM00292]7. Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position. WARNING!Do not touch or remove electricalparts when starting or during opera-tion. Keep hands, hair, and clothesaway from the flywheel and other ro-tating parts while the engine is run-ning. [EWM00092]8. Just prior to turning off the engine, quick-ly spray “Fogging Oil” into the carbure-tor. When properly done, the engine willsmoke excessively and almost stall.9. If “Fogging Oil” is not available, run theengine at a fast idle until the fuel systemempties and the engine stops.10. Loosen the air vent screw by one turn.Place the fuel cock in the open position.11. Remove the grommet. Place a containerunder the carburetor drain hole to catchthe gasoline, and then loosen the drainscrew.1. Water surface2. Lowest water level