Operation54WARNINGEWM00223Make sure that no one is near the out-board motor when tilting the outboardmotor up or down. Otherwise, body partscould be crushed between the outboardmotor and the clamp bracket.WARNINGEWM00231Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. Tighten theair vent screw and place the fuel cock inthe closed position if the outboard motorwill be tilted for more than a few minutes.Otherwise fuel may leak.NOTICEECM00232 Before tilting the outboard motor, followthe procedure under “Stopping engine”in this chapter. Never tilt the outboardmotor while the engine is running. Se-vere damage from overheating can re-sult. Do not tilt up the engine by pushing thetiller handle because this could breakthe handle. Keep the power unit higher than the pro-peller at all times. Otherwise watercould run into the cylinder and causedamage. The outboard motor cannot be tiltedwhen in reverse or when the outboardmotor is turned 180° (facing the rear).EMU42931Procedure for tilting upF2.5A1. Place the gear shift lever in neutral (ifequipped) and face the outboard motorforward.2. Tighten the steering friction adjuster byturning it clockwise to prevent the motorfrom turning freely.3. Tighten the air vent screw.4. Close the fuel cock.5. Hold the carrying handle and tilt the en-gine up fully until the tilt support lever au-tomatically locks.