5-5EEMU00416TEMPORARY ACTION INEMERGENCYEMU00417IMPACT DAMAGEwThe outboard motor can be seriouslydamaged by a collision while operatingor trailering. Damage could make the out-board motor unsafe to operate.If the outboard motor hits any object inthe water, follow the procedure below.1) Stop the engine immediately.2) Inspect control system and all compo-nents for damage. Also, inspect theboat damage.3) However damage is found or notfound, go back to a nearest harborslowly and carefully.4) Have a Yamaha dealer inspection ofthe outboard motor, before operatingit again.EMU00419POWER TRIM/TILT WILL NOTOPERATEIf the engine cannot be tilted up or downwith the power trim and tilt because of adischarged battery or a failure with thepower trim and tilt unit, the engine can betilted manually.1 Manual valve screwEMU004201) Loosen the manual valve screw clock-wise until it stops.2) Put the engine in the desired position,then tighten the manual valve screwcounterclockwise.607011411041q