1-14EEMU01430¯BATTERY REQUIREMENTcCDo not use a battery that does not meetthe specified capacity. If a battery whichdiffers from the specification is used, theelectrical system may perform poorly orbe overloaded, causing electrical systemdamage.cC8 A battery cannot be connected to mod-els which do not have a rectifier or rec-tifier regulator.Models without a rectifier or rectifierregulator: F40MH8 If you wish to use a battery with theabove models, install an optional recti-fier regulator.Choose a battery for electric start modelswhich meets the following specifications.Minimum cold crank performance380 Amps at -17.8°C (0°F)Minimum reserve capacity124 minutes at 26.7°C (80°F)EMU01395PROPELLER SELECTIONThe performance of your outboard motorwill be critically affected by your choice ofpropeller, as an incorrect choice couldadversely affect performance and couldalso seriously damage the motor. Enginespeed depends on the propeller size andboat load. If engine speed is too high ortoo low for good engine performance,this will have an adverse effect on theengine.