BRKT Bracket unit7-65 62Y3A113. Check the outer surface of the tilt pistonand free piston for scratches. Replace ifnecessary.4. Check the tilt ram for bends or excessivecorrosion. Polish with #400–600 gritsandpaper if there is light rust or replaceif necessary.Check the valves1. Check the operation of the check valvea of the trim cylinder end screw andcheck the valve for dirt or residue. Cleanif necessary.2. Check the operation of the tilt pistonabsorber valve and check for dirt or resi-due. Clean if necessary.3. Check the down-main valve 1 and theup-main valve 2 for dirt or residue.Clean if necessary.4. Check the down-relief valve 3, up-reliefvalve 4, and shuttle pistons 5 for dirt orresidue. Clean if necessary.Checking the filters1. Check the gear pump filter 1 and shuttlepiston filters 2 for dirt or residue. Clean ifnecessary.