5-10EEMU01511TREATMENT OF SUBMERGEDMOTORIf the outboard motor is submerged,immediately take it a Yamaha dealer.Otherwise, some corrosion may beginalmost immediately.If you cannot immediately take the out-board motor to a Yamaha dealer, followthe procedure below in order to minimizeengine damage.107012107013107014EMU004491) Thoroughly wash away mud, salt,seaweed, etc. with fresh water.2) Remove the spark plugs and face thespark plug holes downward to allowany water, mud or contaminants todrain.3) Drain the fuel from the vapor separa-tor, fuel filter and fuel line.4) Feed fogging oil or engine oil throughthe intake manifold and spark plugholes while cranking with the emer-gency starter rope.5) Take the outboard motor to a Yamahadealer as soon as possible.cCDo not attempt to run the motor until ithas been completely inspected.