3-9EEMU01185FILLING OIL (for Yamaha oil injectionsystem model)This engine uses the Yamaha oil injectionsystem, which provides superior lubrica-tion by ensuring the proper oil ratio for alloperating conditions. No fuel pre-mixingis needed. Simply pour gasoline into thefuel tank and oil into the oil tank.Convenient indicators show the status ofthe oil supply. Refer to the section “OILLEVEL INDICATOR” for details.To fill the engine oil tank, proceed as fol-lows:wDo not add gasoline (Petrol) into the oiltank. Fire or explosion could result.905015ON STARTOFF701024Engine oil tank capacity:Refer to “SPECIFICATIONS”, page 4-1.EMU01196When remote oil tank is used1) Pour the engine oil into the remote oiltank.2) Turn the main switch to “ON” to feedthe oil automatically from the remoteoil tank to the engine oil tank by theYAMAHA oil injection system.3) Operate the engine normally.cCWhen the engine is operated for the firsttime or stored for a period of time, a min-imum of 5 liters (5.3 US qt, 4.4 Imp qt) ofoil should be kept in the remote oil tank.Otherwise, the oil-feed pump chamberwill not be filled with oil, and no oil willbe supplied.