EMU01478MOUNTING THE OUTBOARDMOTORw8 Overpowering a boat may cause severeinstability. Do not install an outboardmotor with more horsepower than themaximum rating on the capacity plateof the boat. If the boat does not have acapacity plate, consult the boat manu-facturer.8 The information presented in this sec-tion is intended as reference only. It isnot possible to provide completeinstructions for every possibleboat/motor combination. Propermounting depends in part on experi-ence and the specific boat/motor com-bination.wImproper mounting of the outboardmotor could result in hazardous condi-tions such as poor handling, loss of con-trol, or fire hazards. Observe the follow-ing:8 For permanently mounted models,your dealer or other person experi-enced in proper rigging should mountthe motor. If you are mounting themotor yourself, you should be trainedby an experienced person.8 For portable models, your dealer orother person experienced in proper out-board motor mounting should showyou how to mount your motor.3-2E