E1-1460202214-1/2x17-M1 23Yamaha outboard motors are fitted withpropellers chosen to perform well over arange of applications, but there may beuses where a propeller with a differentpitch would be more appropriate. For agreater operating load, a smaller-pitchpropeller is more suitable as it enablesthe correct engine speed to be main-tained. Conversely, a larger-pitch pro-peller is more suitable for a smaller oper-ating load.Yamaha dealers stock a range of pro-pellers, and can advise you and install apropeller on your outboard that is bestsuited to your application.NOTE:At full throttle and under a maximumboat load, the engine’s rpm should bewithin the upper half of the full throttleoperating range, as listed in “SPECIFICA-TIONS” on page 4-1. Select a propellerwhich fulfills this requirement.If operating under conditions which allowthe engine’s rpm to rise above the maxi-mum recommended range (such as lightboat loads), reduce the throttle setting tomaintain the rpm in the proper operatingrange.1 Propeller diameter (in inches)2 Propeller pitch (in inches)3 Type of propeller (propeller mark)Refer to the section “CHECKING PRO-PELLER” for instructions on propellerremoval and installation.