4-6EEMU01568Lubrication1) Remove the spark plug(s). Spray“Yamaha Stor-Rite Engine FoggingOil” into each cylinder for 5 seconds.Grease the spark plug threads andreinstall the spark plug(s) and torqueto proper specification. (Refer to thesection “CLEANING AND ADJUST-ING SPARK PLUG” for details).2) Turn the engine over with the stoplanyard disconnected to work the fog-ging oil into the piston rings.3) Fill the oil tanks. This prevents the for-mation of condensation. For modelswith a remote tank, it may be neces-sary to manually override the controlunit to completely fill the engine maintank. (Refer to the section “FILLINGOIL” for details).4) Change the gear-case oil. (Refer to thesection “CHANGING GEAR OIL” fordetails). Inspect the oil for the pres-ence of water which indicates a leakyseal. Seal replacement should be per-formed by an authorized Yamahadealership prior to use.5) Grease all grease fittings. (Refer tothe section “GREASING” for details).EMU00352Cleaning and Anti-corrosion Measure1) Wash down the exterior of the out-board with fresh water and dry offcompletely.2) Spray the engine’s exterior with“Yamaha Silicone Protectant” (PartNo. LUB-SILCNE-13-00).cCDo not spray when the engine is running.Also, do not spray near the silencer andoxygen sensor cover or into the engine.Otherwise, the oxygen sensor forElectronic Fuel Injection system could bedamaged.