E1-101 11A1 11Proceeding toward headof navigation from seawardCAN BUOYOdd number. Leave to port.ORSECONDARY CHANNEL BUOYSSTARTS NEW NUMBERING SYSTEMold newC" 1"NUN BUOYEven number. Leave to starboardN" 2"No changeBUOYCOLOR CODEBLACKREDGREEN" A"" 2"" 1"" 3"" 4"" 5"" 7"N" 2"" 6"C" 1"RB" L"RG" L"orSECONDARY CHANNELMAIN CHANNELold new2222 22AALLLLOdd number. increasing toward head of naviga-MAIN CHANNEL BUOYS" 1" " 3" " 5" " 7"tion.Leave to port (left) proceeding upstream.LIGHTED BUOY (Port Hand)`White Light Green Lightold newold newold newLIGHTED BUOY (Starboard Hand)`" 2" " 4" " 6"Even number,increasing toward head of naviga-tion. Leave to starboard (right) proceeding up-stream.White Light Red Light" A"LIGHTED SAFE WATER BUOYNo number. Marks midchannel, pass on eitherside. Letter has no lateral significance, used forN o n u m b e r . T o p m o s t b a n d r e d - p r e f e r r e dTop MarkWhite LightWhite LightORORLIGHTED PREFERRED CHANNEL TORB" L" RG" L"PORT BUOYidentification and location purposes.channel is to left of buoy. Letter has no lateralsignificance, used for identification and locationpurposes.Red LightRed orWhite LightOR102052Remember, markings may vary by geo-graphic location. Always consult localboating authorities before driving yourboat in unfamiliar waters.