08/2007 11Setting the microscope for reflected light" Click on the Reflected Light icon to open theX-Cite 120 Controls and turn it on." Click on the Reflected Light shutter to openthe shutter of the X-Cite 120 lamp / HBO100." Click on the Reflector button and select thedesired filter set by clicking on it.Storing the microscope settingsMicroscope settings can be stored asconfigurations (Fig. 13) by typing a config name inthe pull-down selector and pressing the savebutton. Fast restoration of a saved config isachieved by selecting the config from the pull-down list and pressing the load button. Thecurrent config can be deleted by pressing thedelete button.In Pro Mode, these configurations can be assignedto buttons that are easier to press.Note: Depending on the microscope configu-ration, settings must be done manually ifnecessary.Fig. 12 Microscope Control window withTransmitted Light pop-up menuFig. 13 Saving Microscope configurations