08/2007 3Starting the ZEN software" Double click the ZEN icon on the WINDOWS desktop to start the Carl Zeiss LSMsoftware.The ZEN Main Application Window and the LSM 510 Startup window appear on thescreen (Fig. 3)In the small startup window, choose either to start the system online ("Start System" hardware foracquiring new images) or in Image Processing mode to edit already existing images. Toggle the littlesymbol to view the Boot Status display and get the additional Offline / Demo button option:! Choosing Start System initializes the whole microscope system and activates the entire softwarepackage for new image acquisition and analysis.! The Image Processing mode ignores all hardware and activates only data handling and imageprocessing functionality for already acquired images.! The Offline / Demo mode reads the current hardware database but does not activate the systemhardware for use. Instead, it simulates the system hardware for training purposes.! Upon clicking the Start System button, the Image Processing button changes to a Cancelbutton. Click Cancel to interrupt/stop the Startup of the system.After Startup, the ZEN Main Application Window (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) opens. To benefit from all of Zen'sfeatures, run the window in its full screen mode.Fig. 3 ZEN Main Application Window at Startup (a) and the LSM 510 Startup Window (b and c)