26-2To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Configure multicast source portsuppression multicast-source-deny t source portsuppression is disabled bydefault.OptionalMulticasConfwarding entries dynamically through a Layer 2t for a multicast group not yet registered on the switch, thecan configure a staticmulticast MAC address entry to avoid this.Follow these step nfigure a multicast MAC adiguring a Multicast MAC Address EntryIn Layer 2 multicast, the system can add multicast formulticast protocol. Alternatively, you can statically bind a port to a multicast MAC address entry byconfiguring a multicast MAC address entry manually.Generally, when receiving a multicast packeswitch will flood the packet within the VLAN to which the port belongs. Yous to co dress entry in system view:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create a multicast MACaddress entry mac-address interfaceinterface-list vlan vlan-idaddress argumentmust be a multicast MACaddress.mac-address multicast RequiredThe mac-Follow these step nfigure a multicast MAC ad et port view:s to co dress entry in EthernTo do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Create a multicast MACaddress entry.mac-address multicastmac-address vlan vlan-id address argumentmust be a multicast MACaddress.RequiredThe mac-