3-3To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter user interface view user-interface [ type ]first-number [ last-number ] —Apply the ACL to controlTelnet users by specifiedsource and destination IPaddressesacl acl-number { inbound |outbound } sers trying to Telnet toother switches from the currentswitch.RequiredThe inbound keyword specifies tofilter the users trying to Telnet tothe current switch.The outbound keyword specifieto filter usContlying Layer 2 ACLs, which arenumbered from 4000 to 4999.Follow these steps to control Telnet users by source MAC addresses:rolling Telnet Users by Source MAC AddressesControlling Telnet users by source MAC addresses is achieved by appTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create or enter Layer 2ACL view acl number acl-number —Define rules for the ACL rule [ rule-id ] { deny | permit }string ] ded to filter by specificsource MAC addresses.[ rule-RequiredYou can define rules asneeQuit to system view quit —Enter user interface view user-interface [ type ] first-number[ last-number ] —Apply the ACL to controlTelnet users by specifiedsource MAC addressesacl acl-number inbound By default, no ACL is appliedfor Telnet users.RequiredConNetOnly the Telnet users sourced from the IP address of are permitted to access the switch.figuration Examplework requirements