[Sysname-ui-aux0] authentication-mode password# Set the local password to 123456 (in plain text).[Sysname-ui-aux0] set authentication password simple 123456# Specify commands of level 2 are available to users logging in to the AUX user interface.[Sysname-ui-aux0] user privilege level 2# Set the baud rate of the console port to 19,200 bps.[Sysname-ui-aux0] speed 19200# Set the maximum number of lines the screen can contain to 30.[Sysname-ui-aux0] screen-length 30# Set the maximum number of commands the history command buffer can store to 20.[Sysname-ui-aux0] history-command max-size 20# Set the timeout time of the AUX user interface to 6 minutes.[Sysname-ui-aux0] idle-timeout 6After the above configuration, you need to modify the configuration of the terminal emulation utilityrunning on the PC accordingly in the dialog box shown in Figure 2-4 to log in to the switch successfully.Console Port Login Configuration with Authentication Mode Being SchemeConfiguration ProcedureFollow these steps to configure console port login with the authentication mode being scheme:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view —system-viewEnter thedefault ISPdomain viewdomain domain-nameOptionalBy default, the local AAA schemeis applied.Specify the AAAscheme to beapplied to thedomainscheme { local | none |radius-schemeradius-scheme-name [ local ]| hwtacacs-schemehwtacacs-scheme-name[ local ] }If you specify to apply the localAAA scheme, you need toperform the configurationconcerning local user as well.If you specify to apply an existingscheme by providing theradius-scheme-name argument,you need to perform the followingconfiguration as well:Configuretheauthentication modeQuit to systemview quitPerform AAA&RADIUSconfiguration on the switch.(Refer to the AAA part for more.)Configure the user name andpassword accordingly on the AAAserver. (Refer to the user manualof AAA server.)RequiredCreate a local user (Enter localuser view.) local-user user-name No local user exists by default.password { simple | cipher }passwordSet the authenticationpassword for the local user Required2-12