5.1.4 Local HMI functionality5.1.4.1 Protection and alarm indicationProtection indicatorsThe protection indicator LEDs are Normal, Pickup and Trip.Table 3:Normal LED (green)LED state DescriptionOff Auxiliary supply voltage is disconnected.On Normal operation.Flashing Internal fault has occurred.Table 4:PickUp LED (yellow)LED state DescriptionOff Normal operation.On A protection function has picked up and an indication message is displayed.• If several protection functions Pickup within a short time, the last Pickup isindicated on the display.Flashing A flashing yellow LED has a higher priority than a steady yellow LED.The IED is in test mode and protection functions are blocked.• The indication disappears when the IED is no longer in test mode andblocking is removed.Table 5:Trip LED (red)LED state DescriptionOff Normal operation.On A protection function has tripped and an indication message is displayed.• The trip indication is latching and must be reset via communication or bypressing .Alarm indicatorsThe 15 programmable three-color LEDs are used for alarm indication. An individualalarm/status signal, connected to any of the LED function blocks, can be assigned to oneof the three LED colors when configuring the IED.Section 5 1MRK 506 334-UUS ALocal human-machine interface110Application manual