Calculating general settings1. Set GlobalBaseSel to 12. Set LineAng to 81.9ºThe positive sequence impedance line angle for the protected line is calculated as°=÷øöçèæ=÷÷øöççèæ= 9.815.25.17arctanarctanlinelineRXLineAngGUID-A8BDC47F-A097-42F4-9C1F-DA6AB2D6AC1A V1 EN (Equation 1)3. Set CharPGZx and CharPPZx to Mho, Quadrilateral and Combined as per theapplication for each zone.4. Set KN-factors4.1. Set KNMag1 to 0.62for Zone 14.2. Set KNAng1 to -0.6ºfor Zone 14.3. Set KNMag2 to 0.62For Zones 2, 3, 4, 54.4. Set KNAng2 to -0.6ºfor Zones 2,3,4 and 5the KN-factor is calculated for correct reach for phase-to-ground faults . Thedefinition of the KN-factor is:linelinelineZZZKN,1,1,03×-=GUID-201DAAE3-7D9E-48B9-9CCA-33B5C2E51103 V1 EN (Equation 2)For phase-to-ground fault loops the apparent impedance is defined as:,, 03ph Lnph eaph LnVZ I KN I- = + × ×GUID-509FDDAF-4B92-4DD5-A9A9-B2214B58E383-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 3)The magnitude and phase angle are set separately as KN is a complex value. TheKN-factor can be set separately for zone 1 and for the other zones. This is mainly forapplication for double circuit lines where zone 1 should be set to assure underreachand the other zones should be set to assure overreach. For a single circuit line it isrecommended to set the KN-factors to the same values.Let Z1,line = 2.5 + j17.5 and Z0,line = 7.5 + j17.5, then KN is calculated as:Section 3 1MRK 506 334-UUS AREL650 setting examples46Application manual