• BC_12_CL = 0• VP_BC_12 = 1If there is no second busbar B at the other side of the transformer and therefore no 489disconnector, then the state for 489 is set to open by setting the appropriate module inputsas follows:• 489_OP = 1• 489_CL = 011.6 Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMIpresentation SLGGIO11.6.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberLogic rotating switch for functionselection and LHMI presentationSLGGIO - -11.6.2 ApplicationThe logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation function(SLGGIO) (or the selector switch function block, as it is also known) is used to get aselector switch functionality similar with the one provided by a hardware multi-positionselector switch. Hardware selector switches are used extensively by utilities, in order tohave different functions operating on pre-set values. Hardware switches are howeversources for maintenance issues, lower system reliability and extended purchase portfolio.The virtual selector switches eliminate all these problems.SLGGIO function block has two operating inputs (UP and DOWN), one blocking input(BLOCK) and one operator position input (PSTO).SLGGIO can be activated both from the local HMI and from external sources (switches),via the IED binary inputs. It also allows the operation from remote (like the stationcomputer). SWPOSN is an integer value output, giving the actual output number. Sincethe number of positions of the switch can be established by settings (see below), one mustbe careful in coordinating the settings with the configuration (if one sets the number ofpositions to x in settings – for example, there will be only the first x outputs available fromthe block in the configuration). Also the frequency of the (UP or DOWN) pulses shouldbe lower than the setting tPulse.1MRK 506 334-UUS A Section 11Control385Application manual