Section 13 Logic13.1 Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC (94)13.1.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberTripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRCI->OSYMBOL-K V1 EN9413.1.2 ApplicationAll trip signals from the different protection functions shall be routed through the triplogic. In its simplest alternative the logic will only link the internal TRIP signals to abinary output and make sure that the pulse length is long enough.The tripping logic common 3-phase output (SMPPTRC ,94) offers only three-poletripping. A three-pole trip for all faults offers a simple solution and is often sufficient inwell meshed transmission systems and in High Voltage (HV) systems.One SMPPTRC (94) function block should be used for each breaker, if the object isconnected to the system via more than one breaker.To prevent closing of a circuit breaker after a trip the function can block the closing of thecircuit breaker (trip lock-out). Three-pole trippingA simple application with three-pole tripping from the tripping logic common 3-phaseoutput SMPPTRC utilizes part of the function block. Connect the inputs from theprotection function blocks to the input TRINP_3P. If necessary (normally the case) usethe trip matrix logic TMAGGIO to combine the different function outputs to this input.Connect the output TRIP to the required binary outputs.1MRK 506 334-UUS A Section 13Logic413Application manual