14.6 Limit counter L4UFCNT14.6.1 Function descriptionFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberLimit counter L4UFCNT -14.6.2 ApplicationLimit counter (L4UFCNT) is intended for applications where positive and/or negativeflanks on a binary signal need to be counted.The limit counter provides four independent limits to be checked against the accumulatedcounted value. The four limit reach indication outputs can be utilized to initiateproceeding actions. The output indicators remain high until the reset of the function.It is also possible to initiate the counter from a non-zero value by resetting the function tothe wanted initial value provided as a setting.If applicable, the counter can be set to stop or rollover to zero and continue counting afterreaching the maximum count value. The steady overflow output flag indicates the nextcount after reaching the maximum count value. It is also possible to set the counter torollover and indicate the overflow as a pulse, which lasts up to the first count after rollingover to zero. In this case, periodic pulses will be generated at multiple overflow of thefunction. Setting guidelinesThe parameters for Limit counter L4UFCNT are set in the local HMI or PCM600.Section 14 1MRK 506 334-UUS AMonitoring438Application manual